There is no better time to reminisce on Cheese Curds, one of Canada’s most loved regional delicacies, then on Canada Day.
Cheese Curds are the key ingredient to one of Canada’s most unique dishes – Poutine. Loved by many all over the country, it is a staple dish during their annual Canada Day celebrations. On July 1st every year Canadians celebrate the milestone of their independence and enjoy some national treasures such as cheese curds in the form of Poutine.
Poutine is the ultimate Canadian comfort food. An inspired dish of fries with authentic cheese curds and gravy – it takes the humble cheesy fries and elevates them to the next level.
Cheese curds have a fresh, slightly salty, cheddar-like flavour. However, this does vary slightly depending on where they are made. Cheese curds are an essential part of the cheese making process. Before a cheese such as cheddar is formed into blocks or a wheel and aged, it starts out as curds.
Cheese curds often come from one of two places, Wisconsin, USA or Canada. By contrast, Canadian curds are produced from cows with a higher dry feed diet and are more suited to the Canadian delicacy – poutine – which means they don’t carry quite the same flavour as those from Wisconsin. No matter the taste, it’s not a cheese curd without its iconic squeaky texture.
Fresh cheese curds create a signature squeaky noise when you eat them. This is due to the elastic protein strands rubbing against your tooth enamel. The fresher the curd, the squeakier the texture.